Thunder of Erei, the drupe of God

Almond, here’s the reasons why we cannot do without it. Almond is the dry fruit par excellence. It is the drupe of the almond tree, a plant belonging to the Rosacea. According to the climate, the fruits are harvested at the end of the summer, in between August and September. While the almond hang on

The Piacentinu Ennese DOP (PDO)

What is it? The Piacentinu Ennese is an hard cheese, semi-cooked with a typical scent of sheep’s cheeses; an harmonious taste arrives on the palate, the result of the contrast between saffron and black pepper. The Piacentino, cylindrical shape, weighs between 3 and 6 kilos and has a golden yellow rind, thin in the first

The Nebrodi Black Swine

The Black Swine of the Nebrodi Mountains is a native Sicilian breed of ancient origins which dates back to Greek domination and handed down to us thanks to the characteristics of these animals: resistant, strong, able to adapt to the weather. Due to the scarcity of pastures and lack of woods, typical aspects of the

Pasta Curcio: we are the history

The history of agriculture is the history of wheat. The crops are millennial. And in Europe, Sicily has been the centre of this wealth for centuries. It was a granary of a thousand empires. The Sicilian whole-wheat bread was served at the banquets of Archimedes, Cicero, Julius Caesar, and then of Frederick II, and gradually