The Nebrodi Black Swine

The Black Swine of the Nebrodi Mountains is a native Sicilian breed of ancient origins which dates back to Greek domination and handed down to us thanks to the characteristics of these animals: resistant, strong, able to adapt to the weather. Due to the scarcity of pastures and lack of woods, typical aspects of the Sicilian territory, the breed has evolved over the centuries transforming itself to be suitable for grazing and searching of tubers and acorns in the forests: paws became taller, with reduced transverse diameters, hump, with very elongated head. Being bred in the wide areas of the Madonie and Nebrodi mountain ranges, this variety is under protection of the Slow Food project.


The Sicilian Black Swine is an officially recognized and registered breed, managed by ANAS – National Association of Swine Breeders. The number of swine registered at the end of 2007 were 1223, while today the presence in Sicily is estimated to be around 2000. Among these pigs only 850 are breeding sows, which led to the inclusion of the breed in the list of endangered native breeds. 70% of the entire population of this breed is found mainly in the mountainous area of ​​the Nebrodi in north-eastern Sicily. (source Wikipedia)

The Black Pig of the Nebrodi has a slate black color skin. In adults, the thickness of the skin can reach two centimetres, almost developing a breastplate up to the shoulder blades. The males reach a height at the withers of 60-65 cm. The head is elongated with a straight frontal-nasal profile, medium size developed ears directed forward and often pendulous. The back-lumbar line is convex, inclined rump, long and robust limbs, strong nails of a great walker, spiral tail.

Feeding and breeding system

The feeding takes place exclusively with natural pasture, based on chestnuts and acorns. The breeding must be carried out exclusively in open and wide areas, using as a shelter the traditional and historical “zimma” (a conical construction made of wood and mud).

Tasting The meat is succulent, plum, with a particular wild flavour. On the palate, the sweetness of the fat, slightly pink, is perfectly balanced with the lean, tastier and more compact part in the fibers. The aftertaste is long and persistent, leaving the characteristic scents of the Sicilian land in the mouth.